
What Is Stalking

A series of repeated incidents (3 or more) that causes a fear of physical injury and/or significant mental anguish or distress to a person close to them.

Signs of Stalking:

  • Sending unwanted text messages.
  • Driving by the home at all hours
  • Approaching and forcing a conversation
  • Posting intimate pictures or false statements to damage reputation
  • Posting untrue or cruel messages on Social media
  • Damaging the car or other property
  • Sending spam or emails
  • Showing up and/or waiting at a place of work
  • Making relentless phone calls
  • Social media posting of untrue or cruel messages (repeated)

What Is Domestic Abuse

Domestic Violence (also referred to as Intimate Partner Violence IPV) is a pattern of behavior used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship. Domestic Violence does not discriminate. People of all races, age, sexuality, gender, religion, education level, economic status can be a victim – or a perpetrator.

Behaviors include physical harm, intimidation, manipulation, control, or otherwise force them to behave in a way they don’t want to. Including physical violence, threats, emotional abuse, or financial control. Multiple forms of abuse are usually present at the same time in an abusive situation.

It is essential to understand how these behaviors interact, so you know what to look for.


WArning Signs

  • Showing extreme jealousy of your friends or any time spend away from them.
  • Insulting, demeaning, or shaming you, especially in front of others.
  • Preventing or discouraging you from spending time with friends, family members, or peers.
  • Telling you that you never do anything right.
  • Pressuring you to having sex or perform acts you are not comfortable with.
  • Intimidating you through threatening to harm or take away your children or pets
  • Controlling finances without discussion, taking your money or refusing to provide money for necessary expenses
  • Pressuring you to use alcohol or drugs
  • Intimating you with weapons like guns, knives, bats, etc.
  • Destroying your personal belongings or you home.

Internet Safety

WARNING: If you are worried about someone you know visiting this, or and other website, please read the following safety information.
As a rule, internet browsers will save certain information as you use them. This includes images, information and other websites visited. The search engines have a “History: trail that shows the sites you have visited. If you do not us a password to log in, someone will be able to access your email and track your internet usage. The safest way to find information on the internet is to use a local library or a safe friend’s house.
The Yellow “Safe Exit” button on the top right of our website will quickly hide the page but you will still need to delete your history to fully protect from discovery.
Private Browsing
All major web browsers have a “private browsing” mode. When enabled, none of your activity will be stored in the browser. This won’t stop online services from seeing your activity, but it won’t leave any traces of your activity on your computer (no history, no web cache or anything else). This is a useful step to take.
Deleting your Browser History
To clear your history from most browsers, go to Settings and tap History and Website data.
This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We assume that you are ok with that, but you can opt out, if you wish. Go to settings and tap Content Settings, then check block or unblock.
If an abuser sends you threatening or harassing email messages, they can be printed and saved as evidence of the abuse. You can also store these emails as evidence in your email files. Be careful when you delete an item from your email program (outlook, google, express, etc.), it does not really delete the item, it moves it to a file call deleted items. You will need to delete these files separately from the deleted items file.
Toolbars like Google, AOL and Yahoo keep a record of search words you type into the toolbar search box. To erase all the search words you have typed in, check the instructions for each type of toolbar. For example, google toolbar requires you to click on the google icon and choose “Clear search history”.
Always log out of your account when you have finished your browsing session so no one can log in as you!

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© Veronica L. Sacco Foundation 2024